Spring Registration is OPEN!!!
Register at the link below:
Below are the highlights of the program. Feel free to pass this along to any families who might be interested in picking up this great sport for the first time. Newcomers are always welcome!
Grade 3-8 (Boys & Girls):
- Indoor sessions at Centercourt Lawrence (starting February 20th)
- 2 Outdoor practices per week which typically begin by mid-March, when we get access to the fields.
- Placement on teams based on skill level, experience, athleticism and where your son or daughter can best develop during the season. (Player evaluations will occur during specified indoor sessions).
- Competition within SEPLA (boys) and PAGLA (girls).
- 1 tournament (TBD).
- 3 piece uniform set (jersey, shorts, shooting shirt)
K-2 (Boys & Girls):
- Indoor sessions at the NAC Training Center (starting March 4th)
- 2 Outdoor practices per week which typically begin by mid-March, when we get access to the fields.
- Small sided games in which the group will be broken down into even teams for competition.
- Jersey
- Potential Tournament (if there is one available)
how would i get my 2nd grade 8 year old to try this sport
Please reach out to councilrockyouthlacrosse@gmail.com. Thanks!